Nuclear energy
Creating an infinite source of low-carbon energy for future generations... the ITER project is now a reality. An association of the best international teams working to develop the world’s first fusion reactor, as well as a high level of multi-technical services across nearly a hundred buildings and infrastructures.
Comprehensive solutions to support changes in the nuclear sector. And change the outlook for the future.
Working alongside the major nuclear industry operators for more than 60 years, we have been developing innovative solutions that contribute to the transformation of this sector. Achieving the primary objectives in terms of installation safety and security, guaranteeing operational excellence throughout the life cycle of the installations, digitising equipment and infrastructure, deploying a new generation of power stations... our commitment mobilises multiple resources and a range of expertise for some of the most complex projects, with particular support from our specialist training centre in Béligneux (France).
Safety and operational excellence
Measures implemented following Fukushima, extending the service life of power stations, developing the EPR (European Pressurised Reactor), modernising fuel production sites... In addition to services covering the entire value chain, SPIE offers solutions combining safety and security of nuclear sites and operational excellence, with advanced methods such as Lean Management.
Dedicated teams to the nuclear industry
Studies, planning, quality control, tests and installation start-up... for new generation nuclear power plants, operation and maintenance services, or even nuclear power plant decommissioning. We offer solutions throughout the nuclear life cycle with multi-technical expertise in general electrical installations, automation and control, ventilation and piping-welding.
Nuclear energy sector in transformation
An active contribution to the transformation of this sector, from our involvement in the GIFEN (the Group of French Industrial Partners in the Nuclear Energy Sector), which comprises the main contractors/players, to our commitment to the energy of the future, participating in the EPR project, and more recently the ITER project, designed to explore nuclear fusion or grand carénage operations to upgrade existing installations.