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Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)

Stabilising the energy grid with battery energy storage systems

Unleashing the full potential of renewable energy

Renewable energies are by nature intermittent, while electricity grids need to be supplied in a stable and reliable manner. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) allow for the storage of renewable energy when production is high, so that it can be fed into the grid later whenever demand outstrips supply.

SPIE offers the BESS installation and ancillary services necessary for connection to medium- and high-voltage grids:

  • Connection, fitting services, foundation work, cabling
  • HV transformers and switching infrastructure
  • Interface management

By providing the crucial interface between renewable energy production and the electricity grid, SPIE’s BESS service and expertise are the flexible and stable solution necessary to further develop the production and use of renewable energy sources.

Vignette vidéo BESS EN

BESS: Unleashing the Full Potential of Renewable Energy

Jean Aerts, Industry Director at SPIE Belgium and sponsor of the BESS within the Group’s Industry Committee, shares his expertise in the BESS, and invites us to discover the range of services offered by SPIE in this ninety-second video.



Solutions for the Energy Transition


BESS Business Presentation


BESS: unleashing the full potential of rene...