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Energy efficiency in industry

Energy-saving installations contribute to a new industrial model that prioritises sustainability while maintaining high standards of safety, competitiveness and productivity.

Increasing energy efficiency in industry

Industrial sites often face the dual challenge of reducing carbon emissions while simultaneously increasing production. Using energy-saving and predictive maintenance technologies to optimise operations, SPIE works alongside its industrial customers to increase their energy efficiency while reducing costs and the environmental impact of their sites.

SPIE offers integrated solutions to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions at industrial sites:

  • Energy performance: replacement of outdated or poorly functioning equipment, electrode regulator systems (E.M.P.E.R.E), electrical hybridisation, EnerGQ artificial energy intelligence software technology, contact-free magnetic coupling
  • LED Lighting: lighting studies, new installations and upgrades to existing lighting
  • Predictive maintenance: Smart technology monitoring

By helping industrial customers choose solutions that reduce energy consumption and waste, SPIE is contributing to the decarbonisation of industry, a requirement for a zero-carbon future.


[English] Business presentation - Energy Ef...


Fiche expertise SPIE France - Efficacité én...


Fiche expertise SPIE France - E.M.P.E.R.E.

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