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Data centres

The data centre is becoming the central hub of business information systems. Its availability and reliability are crucial to a company's performance.

Data centre: key infrastructure, central to digitalisation 

While data production is increasing exponentially, businesses must optimise the design, operating costs and organisation of their data centres if they are going to achieve greater availability, security and speed.

To achieve a higher level of performance, SPIE offers IT infrastructure consultancy, implementation and operating services that include:

  • Infrastructure design (back-up power supply, fire safety systems and air conditioning) for data centres.
  • Full cabling for data storage equipment (bays and routers).
  • Setting up the DCIM (Data Centre Infrastructure Management system) to operate and manage data centres.
  • Equipment maintenance, energy consumption optimisation and modernisation.

Data centre performance allows for both a reduction in energy consumption and a high-level of service quality to be achieved.

Interxion utilizes the comprehensive expertise of SPIE in its new “FRA14” data centre

The data centre operator Interxion and SPIE have just signed today the contract for the major data centre “FRA14”. Over the next 15 months, Interxion will be undertaking its fourteenth data centre – covering 4,600 m2 – on its campus in the Ostend district of Frankfurt.

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SPIE innovates and deploys artificial intelligence to meet the needs of Thésée DataCenter

SPIE ICS supports the technical execution of Thésée DataCenter and brings its technical expertise to this project, a 100% French, innovative project with a low environmental impact.


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SPIE and Incooling join forces for innovative energy savings in the data centre world

SPIE has entered into a partnership with the young company Incooling. The latter is working on innovative technologies that can make data centres much more environmentally friendly and energy efficient.


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Our expertises

Discover all our solutions and expertises: Data centres.