With the objective of creating one hundred new workstations and achieving 56% energy savings, the renovation of Albi’s administrative buildings offers a great example of the energy transition in the public sector. SPIE Building Solutions and SPIE Facilities carried out work to transform 7,700 m² of office space.
Aware of the energy loss of some buildings, the French State decided to spend €1.8 billion to improve the energy performance of public buildings.
With a total budget of €6 million, the renovation of Albi’s administrative buildings is part of this approach.
On the programme:
The work began at the end of 2021 and thanks to the agillity of the SPIE teams, the employees continue to carry out their activity on site during the renovation. Two subsidiaries are working together on the project. SPIE Facilities is carrying out maintenance. It relied on an initial energy and technical study to deploy a performance contract in line with the savings objectives. SPIE Building Solutions, which is the project’s representative, is responsible for electrical engineering, air conditioning, heating, plumbing and photovoltaic panel installation. Ultimately, the administrative buildings will benefit from the centralised technical management of equipment and buildings by SPIE Facilities for five years.
“ More than cooperation between subsidiaries, this synergy is a real strength. SPIE Building Solutions and SPIE Facilities have made the difference by working together from the pre-sales stage, particularly on the selection of materials and technologies to meet or exceed the objective of reducing energy use.”
Indeed, to achieve the announced energy savings targets, SPIE used digital modelling (BIM) and dynamic thermal simulation (DTS). This method of work allowed teams to preview the future configuration of the desktops and their use scenarios. The subsidiaries have also sought to improve the energy efficiency of the building through using lighting (LED), heating and air renewal systems.
This renovation project is thus intended to be green, with the methods and materials used by the teams being designed to limit carbon emissions and promote the circular economy. “The construction site has been awarded the Occitanie Sustainable Building label in its design phase. We also hope to get it for the installation phase, during which more than 70% of the waste is recycled. Finally, the uninstalled equipment is given to local associations,” says Julien Grisel. The renovation of Albi’s administrative buildings not only places SPIE as a supporter of the green economy, but it also demonstrates that it is a major player in the modernisation of buildings, a subject that is more than topical
energy savings generated at a minimum
of site waste recycled
of renovated offices
workstations created
The One SPIE approach refers to the meeting of at least two SPIE entities (departments, subsidiaries or regions) on the same commercial or internal project. The commercial and technical synergy between SPIE Building Solutions and SPIE Facilities was one of the key factors in the success of the renovation project for the administrative buildings of Albi. Single point of contact, agility, complementarity of skills and know-how were highly appreciated by the client.
“ This collaboration has two advantages. The customer is reassured that the site representative and the maintenance operator belong to the same group, which ensures a coherent transition that is crucial for the rapid achievement of energy performance commitments”