Energy & digitalisation: twin transitions

Published on 03 January 2024

The digital and the green energy transitions are complex, demanding, and simultaneous. Yet Matthias Rebellius, CEO Smart Infrastructure at SIEMENS, is optimistic: the fact that they are both happening at once represents a unique opportunity to harness synergies.

Some find the idea of just one epochal challenge daunting enough. Now, companies are faced with two – the digital and energy transitions. Is it possible to succeed in them simultaneously?

It is impossible to succeed in one without the other. Today, buildings represent 40% of the world’s energy consumption, yet less than 10% worldwide are energy efficient. We need smart buildings and smart grids to achieve the goals laid out for example in the EU’s Fit for 55 program(1). What is more, energy has become, and will remain, a scarce commodity. The less we need, the better. The energy transition will not be possible without the digitalisation of our buildings and infrastructure.

Are companies aware of this imperative – and of these synergies?

Yes, and they are becoming more demanding. They know that there is enormous potential in IoT, artificial intelligence, connected devices, and grid technologies, 5G networks and the Cloud. The synergies of all these technologies are opening up new possibilities.

There will be no building transition without digitalisation and no energy transition without the building transition. By 2040, most commercial buildings will be autonomous.”

Are companies aware of this imperative – and of these synergies?

Yes, and they are becoming more demanding. They know that there is enormous potential in IoT, artificial intelligence, connected devices, and grid technologies, 5G networks and the Cloud. The synergies of all these technologies are opening up new possibilities.

Cela se reflète dans de nombreux projets sur lesquels Siemens et SPIE travaillent ensemble.

Nous avons par exemple déployé Smart FM 360°, notre outil de reporting automatisé des bâtiments, pour Siemens Real Estate.

À elles deux, nos entreprises cumulent près de trois cents ans d’expérience dans l’innovation. Dans les années 1880, par exemple, Siemens a participé à la construction du tout premier chemin de fer électrique à Berlin. Quelques décennies plus tard, SPIE a contribué à l’électrification du métro parisien. Aujourd’hui, nous nous dirigeons vers des solutions écosystémiques qui deviendront des références pour l’avenir.

40 %

Share of buildings in global energy consumption

100 %

By 2050, all buildings in the EU should be zero-emission buildings

Occitania – France


SPIE ICS is working with Occitania to push a responsible digitalisation. At the start of its IT service contract with the French administrative region, SPIE presented a plan to assess, track, and reduce emissions from computing. After establishing performance optimisation and life-cycle management for IT equipment, the next step is real-time carbon footprint monitoring for 3,000 computer terminals.

TenneT – Netherlands


In power transmission, the digital transition has perhaps the most direct effect on the energy transition. As a partner to TenneT, SPIE has taken on a key role in grid operator’s ‘Dare to Be Digital’ initiative. Bidding for the EU303 contract, SPIE demonstrated how moving from 2D paper-based to 3D digital modelling could help identify issues and increase efficiency at high-voltage substations.