

AMF: French Financial Market Authority

AMF is the French stock market authority. It governs and oversees the conduct and professional ethics of the markets and protects the interests of investors and shareholders.

Annual Shareholders’ Meeting / Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

The Supervisory Board calls an annual meeting of shareholders once a year for ordinary management actions: approval of financial statements, election of board members, etc. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders is called to approve decisions affecting the share capital of the company.

Annual Report

The annual report is a corporate brochure designed to provide our shareholders, customers and interested parties with information relating to the activity of the Group over the past fiscal year. It contains summary financial information. The Reference Document provides all legal, economic and financial information for the Group for a given fiscal year. Both reports are published prior to the Annual Shareholders Meeting.


Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a snapshot of the company’s accounts at the end of fiscal year. It shows the resources of the company (assets) and its debts (liabilities).



The part of the company’s net income distributed to shareholders.


Euronext Paris

Name of the firm which organizes, manages and develops the securities market, and acts as market regulator (financial transactions, monitoring of companies listed on the stock market) with the delegated authority of France’s Financial Market Authority.


Free Float

The part of a company’s capital in public ownership and tradable on the stock markets. The higher the free float, the greater the liquidity of the shares.



The implementation in companies of mechanisms to ensure transparency, equality among shareholders and a balance of power between management and shareholders. These mechanisms cover:

  • the process of elaborating company strategy
  • the implementation of the strategy
  • the Board’s way of working
  • remuneration policy for directors and management.


ISIN code (International Securities Identification Number)

Code composed of 12 characters used to identify financial products quoted on the stock exchanges (SPIE ISIN code: FR0012757854).



Ratio of the volume of shares traded over the total number of shares in circulation.


Market Capitalization

A company’s market value equal, at any given time, to the quoted share price multiplied by the number of shares in circulation.


NYSE Euronext Paris

Name of the firm which organizes, manages and develops the securities market, and acts as market regulator (financial transactions, monitoring of companies listed on the stock market) with the delegated authority of France’s AMF.

Net Income

The profit or loss made by the company. Net income is the residual part of the profit after the company has paid what it must to creditors and the State (i.e. tax).

Net Income, Group share

Net income, Group share is the residual part of the profit after the company has paid what it must to creditors, the State (i.e. tax), and minority interests. Net Income, Group share is the part of the profit which can be distributed to the shareholders in the form of dividends or put into the reserves in order to increase the capital of the company.



Minimum percentage of shares with voting rights required to be present or represented for an Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be validly constituted.


Registered Document

The registered document contains all legal, economic and accounts information concerning a company for a given fiscal year.


Voting Rights

Voting rights are rights attached to shares, and allow shareholders to vote on the resolutions presented at the Annual General Meeting.