Belgium: SPIE collaborating with Time4Society for the third consecutive year

Published on 20 February 2018

100 working days given to ten projects to benefit the general public


Brussels, February 20th, 2018 – SPIE Belgium, a subsidiary of the SPIE group, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, is making a commitment alongside Time4Society for the third year running to offer 100 working days , divided between ten projects with social and/or environmental organisations.

A little over three years ago, SPIE Belgium made the decision to dedicate the budget traditionally allocated to year-end gifts to support general interest initiatives. Within this context, it forged a partnership with the Time4Society organisation, specialising in social ‘team building’ activities. The first two events were successful: SPIE staff members who committed to the various proposed projects not only made their own personal contribution by providing practical assistance on the ground with the organisation of their choice, but they also got to know each other better, in a completely different context.

This year, SPIE Belgium has renewed its partnership with Time4Society. Together, they have selected ten projects, divided into two categories:

“Nature” projects:

  • Restoration and maintenance work at the Réserve aux Roches nature reserve with Natagora - Flémalle - 9th March
  • Maintenance work at Scheutbos Park to protect its biodiversity - Brussels - 20th April
  • Preparation for the Open Day at Domaine Het Ganzenhof – Avelgem – 15th March
  • Gardening work at the Pulderbos Rehabilitation Centre - Zandhoven - 26th April 2018

Social projects:

  • Lending a hand at a fête held by the MPI Oosterloo activity centre for mentally handicapped children - Geel - 7th March
  • Helping to sort, repair and refurbish toys with Looops – Anderlecht – 22nd March
  • Cooking and dancing with the residents of the Karel Picqué nursing home – Deinze – 25th April
  • Car boot sale for the Royal Institute for the Deaf and Blind - Uccle - 26th April
  • Providing assistance with dismantling after the Special Olympics event – Mouscron – 15th May
  • Going on a walk with the residents of the WZC De Overbron nursing home for the elderly – Neder-Over-Heembeek – 17th May

This year, there is the added option for staff members to sign up online using the dedicated platform set up for this purpose. Staff members will thus be easily able to view the various short-listed projects and get all the practical information. They will also be able to register as a team of 8 to 12 people, depending on the project.

We are proud of the success of the past two years, and therefore did not hesitate a single moment to repeat this initiative in 2018”, explains Johan Dekempe, Managing Director of SPIE Belgium. He adds: “For a Top Employer that wants to put its CSR policy into practice, there is no finer plan than to roll up your sleeves out in the field, and encourage all staff members to join in with this burst of generosity if they want. We’re hoping to set a new record in terms of participation this year and for this purpose we rely on our teams’ commitment.

Caption (from left to right): Jean-Pierre Martin, HR Director, Johan Dekempe, Managing Director, Laure Simon, CSR Officer and Géraldine Van Houte, Project Manager Time4Society.
