Bordeaux Métropole chooses SPIE for its smart digital territory pilot scheme

Published on 23 May 2018

500 connected sensors in the Matmut Atlantique stadium area (Bordeaux-Lac)


Paris, May 23rd, 2018 – Bordeaux Métropole - Bordeaux’s metropolitan authority - has just entrusted SPIE ICS, the digital services subsidiary of the SPIE group, with the task of designing, supplying and maintaining a system for managing connected facilities remotely in the area of the Matmut Atlantique stadium. The aim of this smart digital territory pilot scheme is to reduce energy consumption and collect data on a range of public facilities with a view to optimising the services that the metropolitan authority provides to users.

Selected as part of the tender launched by Bordeaux Métropole, SPIE ICS has just begun work in the Matmut Atlantique area to install 500 IoT* sensors on more than 200 lamps and a range of public facilities, including an electric charging station, an access control bollard, sorting containers, litter bins and public buildings (technical management and energy monitoring). Through this unprecedented operation, Bordeaux Métropole has set itself an ambitious goal: to measure the impact of deploying connected infrastructures in order to improve the effectiveness of its services - especially public lighting - and reduce operating costs. Each sensor will be adapted to the facility on which it is fitted and will be capable of measuring not only its energy consumption, but also how it operates.

Combining data to optimise services

By feeding the data back to a single platform (via a dedicated network) and maintaining a dialogue with public facilities, the aim is to optimise energy consumption, prevent malfunctions and improve understanding of local residents’ habits. Beyond the economies anticipated by Bordeaux Métropole, residents will be the main long-term beneficiaries of the smart territory project. For example, measuring container fill rates will help to rationalise waste collection rounds and thereby reduce pollution and traffic. Adapting public lighting to the level of brightness and frequency of use is also a source of energy savings. Charging points, access control and public lighting will be optimised, thereby reflecting current use as measured by the sensors.

Bordeaux: a smart and connected city

For Bordeaux Métropole, the experiment represents a first step towards deploying a “smart city” infrastructure across the entire urban area, in line with the “Bordeaux 2050” project. Once all the sensors have been set up (June), the local authority has given itself 6 months (until the end of 2018) to assess the suitability of the system. If the trial proves conclusive, the authority could extend the connected infrastructures to the entire city.

This project illustrates our ability to work in “agile” mode,” argues Jérôme Nier, who is in charge of the development of the Internet of Things business activities at SPIE ICS. “We have been able to meet a clearly identified need while at the same time adapting to constantly evolving practices.

* IoT: The Internet of Things
