Cergy, 6 January 2025 - SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, announces the appointment of Evert Lemmen as Managing Director of SPIE Nederland as of 1 February 2025. He will join the SPIE Group Executive Committee.
Evert Lemmen, 54, has a background in electrical engineering. He began his career at Xerox and then served at Stork. At Stork, which later became Strukton, he held various management and executive roles. He completed his MBA at Nyenrode University and, in 2015, became the CEO of Strukton Worksphere.
With the acquisition of Worksphere by SPIE in 2022, Evert became head of SPIE Building Solutions where he continued to deliver excellent results.
Gauthier Louette, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SPIE, is pleased to welcome Evert Lemmen at the SPIE Group Executive Committee and warmly thanks Lieve Declercq for her valuable and significant contribution to SPIE Nederland, which is today #1 of its industry in The Netherlands.
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : +33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail : pascal.omnes@spie.com -
Audrey Bourgeois Investor Relations Director Phone : +33 (0)1 34 41 80 72 E-mail : audrey.bourgeois@spie.com -
SPIE Nederland
Manouk Loonstijn Communications Manager Phone : +31 (0)88 119 5377 E-mail : manouk.loonstijn@spie.com -
Laurent Poinsot Consultant Phone : + 33 (0)1 53 70 74 77 E-mail : lpoinsot@image7.fr