Westdorpe, April 25, 2019 – SPIE, the independent European leader for multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, has contributed to the improvement of the Tractaatweg, the second most important road in Zeeland. Widening the Tractaatweg was the final link in the north-south connection. The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management attended the official opening.
Over a period of one and a half years and several construction phases, SPIE contributed to the improvement of the Tractaatweg. On behalf of Boskalis, which turned it into a robust dual carriageway, SPIE installed the traffic control installations, congestion detection systems and public LED lighting. The congestion detection system, which notifies the traffic control centre so that they can set up a diversion route, is connected to the traffic information systems in the Western Scheldt Tunnel. The renewed, widened Tractaatweg is important for accessibility, but also for road safety.
The road is named after the ‘Tractaat’, the treaty between the Netherlands and Belgium, and reflects the importance this region places on cooperation with its southern neighbours. The N62 road is an essential north-south connection - the transport axis between the ports and industrial areas of Vlissingen, Terneuzen and Ghent.
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : + 33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail : pascal.omnes@spie.com -
Agence Droit Devant
Philippe Hériard Press Relations Consultant Phone : + 33 (0)1 39 53 53 33 E-mail : heriard@droitdevant.fr