France: SPIE upgrades CORALY IT system used to coordinate and regulate traffic in Lyon

Published on 23 January 2024

Saint-Denis, 23 January 2024SPIE CityNetworks, a French subsidiary of SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, is revamping the CORALY IT system (SIC[1]), which is a key project for ensuring mobility in the Greater Lyon area. Developed by SPIE on behalf of the Rhône[2] equipment maintenance department 25 years ago, the SIC is now being adapted to incorporate the latest advanced technology.


The SIC, a system serving the population

SPIE CityNetworks has been awarded the contract to upgrade the CORALY IT system. This subsidiary of SPIE France — a partner of the performance in territories — specialises in energy and digital networks, city services, transport and mobility.

The CORALY IT system is currently used by the Interdepartmental Road Directorate of Central Eastern France[3] (DIR-CE) and operators of the Metropolis of Lyon[4], ASF (VINCI), APRR and AREA (Eiffage motorway concessions) road and motorway networks. The system pools data from various operators in order to optimise the high-speed road and motorway network across the outskirts of Greater Lyon. This data can be used to send messages to alert road users and keep them safe and to enable smooth traffic flows. Action plans are implemented depending on whichever situations and incidents occur, which then result in warning or information messages being displayed on dynamic message signs and the activation of directional signs (known as Variable Directional Sites).

SPIE CityNetworks' revamp of the SIC will give its various users a tool that features the latest advanced technology and ergonomics

This upgrading of the SIC is a watershed moment as it should enable innovative technologies such as Big Data processing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) to be integrated in the years to come. This change follows the launch of the system 25 years ago and represents a major breakthrough.

The work completed by SPIE CityNetworks will result in faster, more accurate and more effective processing of the information that is communicated to road users.

This upgrade will enable CORALY operators within DIR-CE or road and motorway network operators to benefit from modern network mapping technologies and from HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces) for traffic scenario management.

Another innovation is that the new SIC recognises the growing number of carpool lanes in the CORALY network. As a result, it will be possible to share the active or non-active status of these lanes in Greater Lyon with the various operators.

"The CORALY IT system's modernisation is a major step towards delivering innovation in transport infrastructure, to which we are committed. By incorporating state-of-the-art technology, we are making the system more responsive to the changing transport requirements of Greater Lyon's high-speed road network, thus setting a new standard for efficient traffic management," states Alexandre Anne, a Business Manager at SPIE CityNetworks.

SPIE CityNetworks' retooling of the CORALY IT system is scheduled to go live in mid-2025 and will include a two-year agile IT development phase. A team of 8 SPIE personnel, which includes project managers, coordinators, technical experts and developers, as well as specialist subcontractors, is currently assigned to the project.

"We are excited about the project's progress, because this modernisation promises to provide a more productive IT system for coordinating traffic on the main roads and more efficient traffic management in the Lyon region for the population. It takes account of new traffic flow management (shared lanes, dynamic speed regulation, etc.) and environmental issues (low-emission zones). For operators, the system will also be much more user-friendly," explains Lucie Prillard, head of the Genas and Hyrondelle control centre at DIR-CE.

[1] SIC:  CORALY IT system (système informatique CORALY in French) 

[2] Located in central-eastern France and named after the Rhône river, this department has Lyon as its prefecture

[3] In French: Direction interdépartementale des Routes Centre-Est (DIR-CE)

[4] In French: Métropole de Lyon
