Cergy, April 27th, 2018
Q1 2018 highlights
- A solid Q1 confirming SPIE’s outlook for the full year
- Q1 total revenue growth at constant FX: +26.0%
- Robust organic growth, at +2.6%, with strong Q1 in France and Germany as anticipated
- Group EBITA margin slightly up compared to Q1 2017 pro forma
- Continued progress on SPIE’s major corporate projects
- SPIE SAG integration process nearing completion
- Reorganisation of French activities well on track
- Acquisition of ICT specialist Systemat in Belgium (€70 million full year revenue)
After spending the first part of his career with FUJITSU and the Hochtief Group, Mr Michael Kessler joined SPIE in 2013 in the role of Chief Facility Manager within the Group’s German subsidiary. A member of the local works council, he has also been Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board at SPIE GmbH since 2018. Appointed Director representing employees on the SPIE Board of Directors in November 2020, his term will last for the next four years.
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : + 33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail : pascal.omnes@spie.com -
Thomas Guillois
Investor Relations Director Phone : +33 (0)1 34 41 80 72 E-mail : thomas.guillois@spie.com -
Agnès Catineau Phone : + 33 (0)1 53 96 83 84 E-mail : acatineau@brunswickgroup.com