Cergy, 15 November 2023 – SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, has announced the appointment of Péter Harbula, 48, as Group Head of Mergers & Acquisitions as of 23 October 2023. In this new role, Péter Harbula reports directly to Jérôme Vanhove, Group Chief Financial Officer.
With more than 15 years of experience and more than a hundred merger and acquisition transactions under his belt, he will use all his M&A and financial expertise to the benefit of SPIE's external growth strategy.
For over 15 years now, SPIE has been implementing a bolt-on acquisition strategy, i.e. acquisitions of many small- and medium-sized companies. This enables SPIE to develop a more concentrated local site network, to strengthen its service offering and to extend its geographical coverage. This strategy is a pillar of SPIE's growth model, due to the highly fragmented nature of the markets in which the Group operates, as well as its strong, recurring generation of free cash flows which are partly reinvested in external growth each year.
Péter Harbula began his career at Deloitte, joining as a junior consultant in 1999 and leaving in 2007 as Director of the Financial Modelling and Evaluation team. He then joined the Edenred Group (Accor Services between 2007 and 2010) from 2007 to 2022 as Executive Director Corporate Finance – Director of Mergers & Acquisitions. Prior to joining SPIE, he was Director of Mergers, Acquisitions & Integrations for the Invivo Group. Péter Harbula holds a Master of Science degree from Corvinus University (Budapest) with a specialisation in finance, as well as a Master's degree in banking and financial techniques and a PhD in management sciences from the University of Paris II Assas-Pantheon. He is teaching at HEC Paris business school since 2007.
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : +33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail : pascal.omnes@spie.com -
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Marianne Hervé Press relations consultant Phone : + 33 (0) 1 53 70 74 70 E-mail : spie@image7.fr