SPIE harmonizes Appenzell Ausserrhoden cantonal network

Published on 20 November 2019

Zürich, November 7, 2019 – SPIE ICS AG, a subsidiary of SPIE Switzerland and provider of comprehensive ICT services, is harmonizing the cantonal network of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. The four networks that have been in place so far have been merged to form the "AR-NET2" network. In addition to larger broadband capacities, the new cantonal network also offers higher availability and data security.

AR Informatik AG (ARI) was looking for a partner in a public bidding process for GATT-WTO in order to harmonize the existing heterogeneous network in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden. SPIE, the independent European leader for multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, won the bid. In addition to successful reference projects in the cantonal environment, the expertise and high competence of SPIE ICS AG were also decisive factors in the decision to award the contract.

The four parallel networks that were previously in place were merged to form the "AR-NET2" overall network. All locations of the cantonal institutions, businesses and organisations as well as all municipalities, the AR hospital network and all schools will be connected to the new network by next year. These are 220 locations, of which around 160 are currently connected; around 12,000 LAN ports in the network and 6,000 to 8,000 terminal devices. Over 440 km of optical fibre were required for the new cantonal network.

The data transported via the new cantonal network are now protected against unauthorised access by means of technical and organisational measures. In particular, MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) has ensured that the various customer networks can be securely separated. The new SIK guidelines for network security (Network Security Policy) and the guidelines defined by the canton AR were implemented in the new cantonal network. The uniform and efficient cantonal network meets current and future requirements. In addition to larger bandwidths, the new network also offers higher availability thanks to redundant connections.

With the new, ultra-modern cantonal network, we are in a position to meet future requirements, such as IoT, and have the certainty that data, including sensitive data, can be transported securely," explains Marcel Zoller, Head of Infrastructure, AR Informatik AG. "Together with SPIE, we were able to successfully implement the project both qualitatively and quantitatively, and the financial specifications were met," concludes Zoller.
