Discover how the Group is committed to providing its customers with essential services and supporting them through the energy transition and digital transformation.
Read the 2020 Integrated annual reportThe SPIE Group is publishing its second integrated annual report this year. This report is part of the approach initiated in 2019 to strengthen the dialogue with the stakeholders. In line with this objective, the annual report includes the first materiality assessment of SPIE.
Interview with Gauthier Louette
A resilient and agile business model in an exceptional context
Listening to our stakeholders
SPIE conducted its first materiality survey in 2020. Read the results.
Taking action in our various markets
SPIE is committed to achieving in the energy transition and driving digital transformation alongside its customers.
Mesuring our performance
Find out here the Group key figures: financial and extra-financial performance, impacts of our businesses on our stakehoders and environment.
Discover SPIE in vidéo
SPIE in 2 minutes: 2020 key figures, positionning and commitments, societal contributions…
Optimising our financier resilence
During the sanitary crisis, discover how SPIE ensured everyone had access to essential services.
Preparing the energy future
In the fight against the climate change, SPIE is part of the solution: sustainable mobility, rewable energy, energy efficiency.
Making digital tools drivers for shared value creation
SPIE applies its digital expertise to deploying solutions that help customers to reduce their environmental footprint.
Promoting inclusion by employment
In 2020, SPIE's 45,500 employees demonstrated remarkable commitmentand solidarity when facing the pandemy.
The report is available on line and in Print on Demand on
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : + 33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail :