Breda, 4 March 2021 – SPIE, the independent European leader for multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, will carry out structures maintenance in the northern Netherlands area, including the regions of Friesland (West) and Groningen and Drenthe (East), for five years. This contract involves structures of the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat), such as five ‘aqueducts’, seven movable bridges and 70 underpasses. Public lighting along highway entry and exit ramps and national roads is also part of the project.
From July 1st, Rijkswaterstaat’s structures performance from northern Netherlands will be analysed, and corresponding maintenance carried out. Works include the review of the structures’ critical components and the study of the data collected from these analyses. Models and patterns will, then, be simulated from these data to highlight the condition of structures components.
This predictive maintenance will complement the preventive maintenance. Objective: to avoid installations being replaced too soon and mechanics having to drive too often to troubleshoot, thus ensuring greater respect for the environment. In addition to maintaining electrical and mechanical installations, SPIE will be responsible for resolving malfunctions.
As a system integrator, SPIE has the appropriate multidisciplinary knowledge, especially in the fields of industrial automation, mechanical and electrical engineering and cybersecurity. Robbert de Ridder, Asset Management Manager at SPIE Nederland, is very enthusiastic. “We have won this contract thanks to our local knowledge, skill and expertise and the use of predictive maintenance in other areas of the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management. This will allow us to further build the relationship with the client and to further support the objectives and development of the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management. Data-driven asset management helps to increase the availability of works and public lighting”.
Rick Schuller, Tender Manager at SPIE Nederland, adds: “winning this contract allows us to spread our wings, and, in doing so, gives SPIE, with its expertise an even wider national coverage.”
Pascal Omnès Group Communications Director Phone : + 33 (0)1 34 41 81 11 E-mail : pascal.omnes@spie.com -
SPIE Nederland
Manouk Loonstijn Communications Manager Phone : +31 (0)88 119 5377 E-mail : manouk.loonstijn@spie.com -
Agence Droit Devant
Philippe Hériard Press Relations Consultant Phone : + 33 (0)1 39 53 53 33 E-mail : heriard@droitdevant.fr