SPIE's 2019 integrated annual report has just been published.

Published on 25 May 2020

SPIE publishes its first Integrated Annual Report.

SPIE publishes its first Integrated Annual Report. This edition, compliant with the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) framework, is an opportunity to demonstrate a new approach to better connect with our stakeholders: 

  • by explaining SPIE’s strategy and business model
  • by presenting the Group’s financial and extra-financial performance
  • by showcasing social and environmental contributions of our activities.  

The headlines:  

  1. How can we turn transitions into opportunities?
  2. How can we reconcile performance with usefulness?
  3. How can we provide useful solutions today and for the next 120 years?

Available in English and French, this 68-page document is an opportunity to re-discover the 2019 highlights: Group key figures, market trends, key projects, CSR initiatives. Get inspired by the testimonies of our stakeholders. Get inspired by the testimonies of our stakeholders.

Explore quickly the content of the integrated annual report with this dedicated page

Find out its digital version on the shelves of the Group's virtual library on rai2019.spie.com and enjoy additional content, videos, animations.

You prefer to read a printed version. Order a hard copy on the virtual library with the Print-on-Demand option that reduces the use of paper, energy and chemical products to a minimum by eliminating inventory and unused copies.

You are not at the office currently. No problem! The copy can be delivered to the address you want to.  
