Université du Très Haut Débit 2020 : SPIE CityNetworks is recruiting digital talent!

Published on 19 October 2020

Paris, 19 October 2020 – SPIE CityNetworks, a French subsidiary of SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of energy and communications, is participating in the next edition of the Université du Très Haut Débit 2020 [University of High-speed Broadband 2020] taking place on the 20 and 21 of October 2020, in Sables-d’Olonne, in the department of Vendée. This unmissable meeting brings together stakeholders from the digital infrastructure chain and gives to SPIE CityNetworks the opportunity to reinforce its commitments for employment in the burgeoning sector of fibre optics.

A pool of skills to meet the needs of markets in constant change

As a partner for the regional performance, SPIE CityNetworks is a very committed player in the area of fibre optic deployment. This activity complements other associated activities, such as deployment and maintenance of mobile telecommunications networks (3G, 4G, 5G), energy networks, city services and transport & mobility. In these areas, there are still 150 positions across France remained to be filled by the end of 2020. Among the most sought-after profiles : business managers, video surveillance engineers, electromobility engineers, public lighting/telecoms/network installers, project agency designers, etc. All educational levels are included here, from vocational training certificates (CAP), technical college diplomas (IUT) and advanced vocational diplomas (BTS) to degrees in engineering. “Despite the current circumstances, we still have significant recruitment needs. Fibre optics is a growth area and we seek to attract, as much as possible, many candidates to these careers, from fitters and cable technicians to profit centre managers including project agency designers,” explains Jean-François Riou, responsible for Human Resources in the SPIE CityNetworks Ouest-Centre Operational Division.

Fibre optics: Numerous initiatives undertaken to promote employment and skills

SPIE CityNetworks is using its regional foothold to benefit employment and is contributing to various schemes in favour of the employability of candidates at both regional and local level:

- Partnerships with training bodies: the subsidiary actively works with bodies such as AFPA[1] in the west or NOVEA[2] to recruit candidates for work-study programmes or professional qualification contracts. A broad range of courses on fibre-optic area is available and regularly updated to include new modules in line with developments in techniques and customer expectations. Over the last three years, 50 staff members from these bodies were trained in the Ouest-Centre region. In the department of Vendée, 6 staff members from the MFR[3] in Saint Gilles Croix de Vie benefited from a training course held within the subsidiary to make them future network installers. The subsidiary has also worked with the Cantal CCI[4] to run a training course for around 10 students to be project agency designers (Bac+2). On average, 75% of staff members across France were recruited after these training courses, either on permanent or temporary contracts.

- Assistance for professional reintegration: SPIE CityNetworks works to help people who are trying to return to work or to reconvert for a different career. It takes part in several schemes such as the POEC[5] in partnership with the regional Pôle Emploi employment centres. It is also a member of the Geiq, a collective of companies that supports the professional integration of people in difficulty. Various training courses lasting between 3 and 12 months have been implemented for these kind of public. “We are actively contributing to create jobs in the region by giving young candidates or professionals at all educational levels the opportunity to learn a new profession and integrate a growth area,” explains Jean-François Riou.

- Commitment to the Development of Employment and Skills (EDEC) in Fibre Optics[6]: SPIE CityNetworks took part of the discussions in the way of adapting skills in the context of the increase of new careers linked with Smart cities (urban video protection, 5G deployment, smart lighting, electric vehicle recharging infrastructure, etc.).

[1] National Agency for Professional Training for Adults

[2] Regional reference centre for skills, employment and training on digital networks and services since 2006

[3] Private educational establishment with association status (Law of 1901), under contract with the State or the regions

[4] Chamber of Commerce and Industry

[5] Operational Preparation for Collective Employment

[6] Agreement signed by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Professional Integration, professional sectors (FFB, FNTP, UIMM, HumApp), professional associations that are members of the Objectif Fibre platform (FFIE, FFTélécoms, FIEEC, InfraNum, SERCE) and government-approved training organisations (Constructys, OPCO2i and AKTO); this agreement enabled the French General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training (DGEFP) to support stakeholders in the industry with the HR part of the France Très Haut Débit (super-fast broadband) plan over the last few years
