Liquified natural gas (LNG) hub

The Gate Terminal in Rotterdam facilitates natural gas supply to the Netherlands and Northwestern Europe.

Fact sheet

  • Services: M&E
  • Subsidiary: SPIE Nederland
  • Year: 2021
  • Tags: Renewable energies, Energy transition, Sobriété énergétique

Partners Nederlandse Gasunie and Koninklijke Vopak, seeking to improve the pipeline’s configuration, required a multi-technical partner who could manage the project from prefabrication through commissioning.

SPIE was awarded a multi-technical Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to handle several key engineering stages, automation, piping, mechanical services and all electrical and instrumentation engineering for the hub. The project faced several constraints, most notably time and temperature: during the work, ships were already on their way to load liquid natural gas, and the temperature difference (-167°C to +20°C) made stress calculations critical. This project will enable carbon conversion, carbon capture and hydrogen transport throughout Europe.