Quayside power supply systems for cleaner waterways
Fact sheet
- Services: M&E
- Subsidiary: SPIE Belgium
- Year: 2021
- Tags: Mobility
De Vlaamse Waterweg, the Flemish government agency responsible for over 1,000 kilometres of rivers and canals, sought to improve their region’s transport via navigable waterways while also reducing pollution.
As such, they tasked SPIE with producing and installing 10 quayside power supply units at Wijnegem, one of the country’s busiest lock complexes. Developed by SPIE and partners in 2019, these quayside power supply system stations ensure that docked boats do not have to run their diesel generators to produce electricity, reducing air, water and noise pollution.
This solution can easily be extended to other applications beyond waterways, supplying electricity to parked refrigerated trucks, motorhomes or market places.
Quayside power supply units installed.
Of navigable waterways connecting to these new stations.