CSR governance
SPIE places corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the heart of its business model. Our activities and solutions are designed to help our customers fulfil their responsibility commitments, particularly by reducing their carbon footprint. At the same time, we are continuously improving our own internal and external practices to operate as an exemplary enterprise when it comes to CSR. We have put in place a dedicated CSR governance structure, rolled out at all levels of the organisation, to ensure that our economic performance is accompanied by positive environmental and social impacts.
The Governance and CSR Committee of the Board of Directors
As a guarantor of responsible governance, this committee ensures that the Group takes into account all the social and environmental opportunities and risks it faces. Created in 2019, it is composed of four members of the Board of Directors and meets at least three times a year.
- It reviews SPIE's sustainable development policies and processes. For example, the committee recently reviewed the gender diversity policy and the objectives for increasing the number of women in key management positions, as well as the Group's ethics policy.
- It assesses whether the CSR roadmap is aligned with the Group's main risks and opportunities.
- It examines the ESG (environmental, social and governance) scores obtained by SPIE, as well as its overall CSR performance.
- It works in conjunction with other Board of Directors committees, such as the Remuneration Committee, to make CSR criteria an integral part of senior management performance evaluations.
- It sets the Group's major CSR policies and roadmap.
- Its members ensure that this roadmap is properly implemented in their subsidiaries.
- It regularly examines the progress of the annual CSR action plans.
- It systematically reviews the management of CSR risks and opportunities at its monthly meetings. In particular, it assesses key processes and performance related to health and safety and employee recruitment and retention.
Group and national CSR Committees
Created in 2015, the Group CSR Committee is made up of members of the subsidiaries' management committees, as well as the Human Resources Director, the CSR Director and the Director of Operational Support, all three of whom are members of SPIE's Executive Committee.
- It proposes CSR strategy guidelines to the Executive Committee and builds SPIE's CSR roadmap.
- It steers the Group's CSR action plan.
- It sets up cross-functional working groups on specific topics, such as the one dedicated to reducing the Group's carbon footprint.
- It disseminates good CSR practices within the company.
National CSR committees in each subsidiary complete this system. They define action plans that are aligned with the Group's objectives. They also formulate complementary CSR objectives reflecting the specific challenges facing their subsidiary, their activities, and the risks and opportunities that are specific to them. These committees monitor local CSR projects and share their best practices.
Other cross-functional committees also contribute to the CSR roadmap and performance in specific areas such as health and safety, diversity (the So'SPIE Ladies network), ethics and sustainable purchasing.